Saturday, 11 October 2014

Ten things I did instead of watching X-Factor

1. Watched a bit of ‘World War II In Colour’ on Channel 5.

2. Pondered the very meaning of our existence. No answers yet, but I’ll let you know.

3. Scratched my arse.

4. Made a mental shopping list for tomorrow’s trip to the supermarket.

5. Wandered into the bathroom to see if I needed to add toilet paper to that list. Answer: I’m okay for now, but I may need to replenish my stocks next weekend.

6. Put a carrier bag away in the carrier bag cupboard in the kitchen. Tidiness is a virtue, even when you’re busy trying to swim against the mainstream.

7. Caught a fly with my hand as it flew into the periphery of my vision. My left hand too, making it all the more impressive.

8. Made dinner.

9. Ate dinner.

10. Wondered whether anyone had ever named their child Ebola.

Time well spent.

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